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TAGs:Ias,ias bet, iasbet, iist entrance exam 2011,IAS qualifying exams, yps, IAS qualifying exams,tab

The prime minister has approved the proposal for the introduction of Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) in place of the existing Preliminary Examination for the Civil Services Examination (CSE).

Aptitude over memory in the new IAS qualifying exams Aptitude over memory in the new IAS qualifying exams According to the new syllabus, paper I includes current events of national and international importance, history of India and Indian national movement, Indian and world geography, public policy, poverty and others. CSAT’s paper II will include general mental ability, inter-personal skills, logical reasoning and decision making.

The new aptitude-based test will come into effect from May 2011 exam.

About 1.7 lakh candidates write the IAS preliminary exams conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) in May every year. Successful candidates then have to clear the main exam and an interview to be appointed as civil servants.

This will be the first time that an aptitude test will be held as part of the civil service exams.

The change followed allegations that many students memorised subject-based text material and reproduced them in the exam. The modified pattern will provide a level-playing field to all candidates as they have to answer the same set of questions, the sources said.

Each of the two papers will have objective-type questions that will carry 200 marks and the candidates will have two hours to answer them. The candidates will have to clear both papers.

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