"I know I love Roberto," she later said. "I know Chris has been through a lot in his life and I just didn't want to be the cause of any more hurt."

"I know I love Roberto," she later said. "I know Chris has been through a lot in his life and I just didn't want to be the cause of  any more hurt."

Even though Chris was heartbroken, he took the rejection well. "I know how much her family liked me and I know how much Ali liked me but again, I wasn't the one and it really hurts," he said. "The fact that she told me today before our date, before the rose ceremony... I love that fact about her....Tomorrow would have been even harder....I can never thank her enough for that...As much as this situation hurts, I want to see her happy."
Aww.  We love Chris!

Ali chose her future husband on Monday night's season finale of The Bachelorette, which started out in the way we expected  with the guys meeting Ali's family for the firs time. But the episode certainly didn't end in the usual way.  Instead of both men meeting the Bachelorette on the beach to find out her decision,  Ali decided not to go through with  her final date with Chris because she was so sure she loved Roberto.
On the day of her date with Chris  (after a romantic night in Roberto's room),  Ali arrived at Chris's doorstep to tell him that she had already made up her mind.  Ali told Chris that she thought he was an amazing person, but he wasn't the one. She didn't want him to go through the heartbreak of a rose ceremony after everything he had been through.

http://0.tqn.com/d/realitytv/1/0/k/C/2/2010-08-02_204932.jpgAnd here's a moment that made us tear up. Remember when Chris said that his deceased mother told him to look for her in rainbows right before she died? Well, right after Chris said goodbye to Ali, a rainbow appeared in the sky -- and it hadn't even rained yet.
But let's get back to Ali and Roberto. The next day, Ali waited on the beach for Roberto, completely sure about her feelings for him.  Roberto wasn't completely sure he would propose because he only wants to do it once in his life.  In the end, he got down on one knee and asked Ali to marry him.
"I love you.  I wanna grow old with you," Roberto said. "I want to have a beautiful family together...I wanna share my life with you...Share your life with me. Be my wife. Ali Fedetowsky, will you marry me?"  Not surprisingly, Ali said yes.
Thoughts: Do you think Ali and Roberto will last? Did Ali make the right decision in choosing Roberto?  Share your thoughts in the comments!

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